How to Set Up Custom Learning?

Updated on January 20, 2022

Setting up the Custom Learning module

To enable the Customer Learning feature, go to Settings FAQ > Custom Learning for Webchat.

Enable Learning Custom #

When this option is ON, the FAQ response will display the list of feedback options from the Feedback Options.

Enable Learning for Fixed Content Flow #

When this option is ON, each content node in the Editor Menu will provide an option for the dashboard user to decide whether to enable the feedback option on selected content nodes.

Go to the desired content node and select Allow user feedback, then save the content node.

Feedback Options #

  • The Feedback Options has to be an Array of Object where the object has to have text and data properties.
  • You may replace the emoji with any desired expression.
  • For example:

"text": "😄",
"data": 5
"text": "😊",
"data": 4
"text": "😐",
"data": 3
"text": "😕",
"data": 2
"text": "😡",
"data": 1
"text": "💬",
"data": {
"type": "comment",
"value": ""
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